Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Christmas Crafting

We made a start on our Christmas crafting yesterday. We had a great time. Thankfully I chose to set it up outside as we had paint from one end to the other (literally). We made some Christmas paper with a roll of brown paper, potato stamps, stencils, red and green paint and glitter. They girls want to use it to wrap their aunties pressies!! Its a bit rustic but I am sure it will look great under the Christmas tree.
Our Work In Progress

I also got an email today to say that Issue 5 of LMNOP was out. I love this little mag. There are some great Christmas Ideas in this issue. If you haven't seen it pop over to LMNOP and subscribe. You won't be disappointed.

I have been also doing some tea dying, just by following these instructions. Its for a pressie on my Christmas list. Its worked wonderfully and hopefully I can share the finished product soon.

Monday, 24 November 2008


It feels like ages since my last post (I feel like I am becoming a crafting fraud). This working gig is hard going. I was originally only meant to work two weekends a month but there is a real shortage of staff so its been every weekend and this will continue until Christmas (can't complain too much as the money is good). I just hope I can get through my Christmas list. I have been doing lots of cutting out (this is my least favourite thing) with the hope that I will get through things faster, if they are all ready to go.

I have managed a few little things between work, sick kids with gastro and a missing daddy for a few days!!!

Cupcake bloomers for a little girl in the US to wear next summer (modelled by the little man as I was a bit worried they were too small. Just don't tell Dad!)

A Ladybug and Butterfly shift for a little girls 4th Birthday - she is mad about creepie crawlies!

A taggy giraffe that I am working on. I have re done him and made him a bit more boxy (he was too difficult to turn). I think he will make a nice pressie for all the bubs that have been born lately.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Wet Washing...

Hanging on the line.. I love looking out my kitchen window and seeing my newly washed fabrics blowing in the wind. I ventured out to spotlight yesterday (my final trip until after Christmas). It was chaos. So busy..but hopefully I have everything I need. Its only 7 weeks till Christmas and its time to start working on my big To Do list. I scored some great fabrics on the bargain table. Beautiful cotton that feels like a linen. Reduced to $3 a metre. It came home with me and will turn into something for the girls for Christmas

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Giveaway at Tollipop

OMG look at this fantastic giveaway at Tollipop . I hope I win, her illustrations are gorgeous and I can picture them hanging in the girls room!